The Australian Institute of Conveyancer WA Division Inc. (AICWA) is run by members who have been elected to serve on Council.
The elected members then elect a President, Vice President, Treasurer and National Councillor to perform specific tasks. Councillors terms are for three years and elections to replace retiring Councillors are held at the Annual General Meeting.
Management support to Council is provided by the AICWA Office consisting of an Executive Officer, Administration Manager and an Administration Officer.
Chris Bradbury – President
(Legislation & Regulation Convenor)
(Education Committee)
Mobile: 0427 667 771
Adam Haigh – Vice President
(Legislation & Regulation Convenor)
(MRF Committee)
Phone: (08) 9397 5600
Donna Jebb – Treasurer
Phone: (08) 9293 1471
Ross Wharton-Street
(Revenue WA Convenor)
(Events, Media, Marketing Convenor)
(Banking Convenor)
Phone: (08) 9397 5600
Patricia Donegan
(Landgate Convenor)
(CPC Committee)
Phone: (08) 6243 1650
Kate Neaves
(Landgate Convenor)
(Education Committee)
Phone: (08) 9791 2722
Clarissa Tippett
(AIC National Convenor)
Phone: (08) 9591 2977
Claire Shepherdson-Bull
(Landgate Convenor)
(MRF Committee)
Phone: (08) 9397 5600
Brook Durling (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone: (08) 9361 1166
Email: ceo@aicwa.com.au
Maryanne Cicchini (Admin Manager)
Phone: (08) 9361 1166
Email: manager@aicwa.com.au
Kerin Dragicevich (Admin Officer)
Phone: (08) 9361 1166
Email: admin@aicwa.com.au